Advanced Input Dialog for Python with PyQt5

I recently implemented a swift generic input dialog for PyQt5 which extends the functionality of QInputDialog. It supports multiple inputs in the same window, with text, numeric, boolean, and option inputs.

Its usage is simple and intuitive as demonstrated by the following code snippet:

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
import GenericInputDialog

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

accepted, values = GenericInputDialog.show_dialog("Test",
    [GenericInputDialog.TextLineInput('Text input'),
     GenericInputDialog.IntSpinInput('My Int', 10, -100, 100),
     GenericInputDialog.FloatSpinInput('My Float'),
     GenericInputDialog.IntSliderInput('My slider'),
     GenericInputDialog.BooleanInput('Bool value'),
     GenericInputDialog.OptionInput('My string options', [
                                        'option 1',
                                        'option 2',
                                        'option 3'
                                        ], 'option 3'),
     GenericInputDialog.OptionInput('My int options', [
                                        ('option 1', 1.1),
                                        ('option 2', 2.2),
                                        ('option 3', 3.3)
                                        ], 2.2)
# Note: for option inputs, the value list can be a list
# of strings, and then the output is the string itself, or a
# list of tuples, where the first element is a string (the label) 
# and the second is the returned value (any).
# The default value for options can be the label string, the
# default returned value, or an integer index.

# returned values can be accessed by key or by position
print(values['My Int'])

# they can be iterated like a list
for v in values:

Which produces the following:

The code is in the public domain and is available at